Seek God where God can be found.

Sunday’s first reading comes from the final chapter of the prophet Second Isaiah’s writing, his call to the people of Israel in exile to join in a grand procession home to Jerusalem. The chapter begins with God’s invitation home, “Come to the feast where food is free and choice.” Then Sunday’s passage follows.

For the exiles God acts in the person of Cyrus, the enlightened Persian general who defeats their Babylonian captors and sends them home to rebuild their city. God who was distant has come near in these events to bring Israel home. God will be found again in the temple.

Isaiah’s call to return.

Seek God where God may
be found, call upon God
while God is near.
Let the wicked forsake their way, and the evil their plans.
Let them return to God that God may have mercy on them,
to our God, who will lavish forgiveness on them.

For my plans are not your plans,
nor are your ways my ways,
says God. For as the heavens
are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher
than your ways
and my plans above your plans.

Isaiah 55.6-9

  • What does Isaiah’s picture of God contribute to the God of your faith?
  • How does it compare with the vineyard owner?
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