God calls a child.

Samuel is the child his mother Hannah wept and prayed for and then returned to the Lord as she promised (1 Samuel 1-2). Sunday’s first reading tells us what happened next. The boy serves in the temple at Shiloh with an old priest named Eli. Under Eli’s leadership visions have become rare in the land; he can’t see.

The child Samuel wakes Eli up three times before the old priest catches on that it is God who is calling Samuel. This call story marks a transition. The religion of holy places such as Shiloh, where Eli is the priest, is passing away. Eli doesn’t hear God’s voice anymore; a new generation does.

In Samuel, Israel’s greatest judge arises among the tribes. He comes to know the Holy One and learns to listen to God’s voice. God lets none of Samuel’s words fall on the ground.

Through this boy God begins to do something new in Israel’s history. Samuel anoints Israel’s first two kings — Saul and David. Israel moves from a confederacy of tribes to a nation.

The Call of Samuel

NARRATOR: Samuel was lying down in the temple of the Holy One where the ark of God was. The Holy One called to Samuel.

GOD: Samuel, Samuel.

NARRATOR: Samuel ran to Eli, the old priest of the temple.

SAMUEL: Here I am; you called me.

ELI: I did not call you; go back to sleep.

NARRATOR: So Samuel went back to sleep. Again God called him.

GOD: Samuel, Samuel.

NARRATOR: Samuel got up and went to Eli.

SAMUEL: Here I am; you called me.

ELI: I did not call you, my son. Go back to sleep.

NARRATOR: Now Samuel did not yet know the Holy One and God’s word had not yet been revealed to him. The Holy One called Samuel a third time. Again, he got up and went to Eli.

SAMUEL: Here I am; you called me.

NARRATOR: Eli recognized that God was calling the child.

ELI: Go to sleep, Samuel, and if you are called, say, “Speak, Holy One, for your servant is listening.”

NARRATOR: When Samuel went to sleep in his place, God came and stood as before.

GOD: Samuel, Samuel!

SAMUEL: Speak, for your servant is listening.

NARRATOR: As Samuel grew up, God was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground.

1 Samuel 3.3-10,19

  • What young people do you see renewing our church or society?
  • When have you heard God call your name? What did God have in mind? How did you test the call?
  • How are the young people in your family renewing you?
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