LEADER: The community gathered and locked the doors but did not keep Jesus out.
ALL: The peace of the risen Christ is with us.
LEADER: As the Father sent Jesus to dwell with us, so Jesus, who has risen, sends us.
ALL: We have nothing to fear.
LEADER: Jesus breathes on us and gives us his Holy Spirit.
ALL: Whose sins we forgive are forgiven.
LEADER: Let us not persist in unbelief but believe.
ALL: Blessed are we who have not seen but believe.
LEADER: May the risen Jesus unlock those doors that try to keep him out. As we each take our keys back, let us name a door we want to keep open this Easter.
Take time for each to name a door.
LEADER: Let us go forth in peace to love and witness in the Spirit.
ALL: To live the Christian story in our time.
LEADER: This is the new day the Creator has made.
ALL: Let us be glad and rejoice!