LEADER: The sign of the fig tree like the sign of the cross calls us to conversion, to turn from complacency and to turn toward love of God, our neighbor, and ourselves. Let us bless ourselves with water to remember the journey to holiness we began at our baptisms.
Leader holds the bowl of water for group members to make the Sign of the Cross.
LEADER: The sufferings of Jesus Christ have revealed God’s love for us.
ALL: Through our service of others may we receive the blessings of that love. Amen.
LEADER: We believe that by his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has destroyed the terror of death forever.
ALL: May we be given everlasting life in him. Amen.
LEADER: May we follow Christ on our life’s journey.
ALL: And someday share together in the heavenly Jerusalem. Amen.
LEADER: May God continue to bless us all our days.
ALL: Let us go in peace to love and serve God. Amen.