Closing Prayer

Renew your choice to believe Jesus is the bread of life and the wisdom of God.

LEADER 1: Wisdom, planted deep within us, you understand our every action; you hold and sustain us in the world of your delight.

ALL: Giver of life and hope, we praise you.

LEADER 2: Provider of food in every season, real nourisher of our human hungers.

ALL: Giver of life and hope, we praise you.

LEADER 3: The Word who was with God and the Wisdom that was from the beginning is with us.

ALL: Giver of life and hope, we praise you.

LEADER 4: Bread of life, you call us to your feast to make your words of eternal life our own.

ALL: Giver of life and hope, we praise you.

LEADER 5: When we eat the bread that is Jesus’ real food and drink the wine that is Jesus’ real life blood, may our acts make us a community of love and life where all can thrive.

ALL: Giver of life and hope, we praise you.

Share a greeting of peace.

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