NARRATOR: Jesus told his disciples a parable with a point—to pray always and not lose heart.
JESUS: There was a judge in a certain city who neither feared God nor respected human beings. A widow in that same city kept coming to him and saying:
WIDOW: Take up my case. Give me my just rights against my opponent.
JESUS: For a while the judge refused, but finally he said to himself—
JUDGE: I neither fear God nor respect people, but this widow—she is wearing me out. I will settle her case justly lest in the end she disgrace me.
NARRATOR: Notice what this unjust judge says. Will God not do justice to those chosen ones who call out day and night? Will God delay justice for them? I tell you, God will give them swift justice. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find any faith on the earth?
Luke 18.1-8
Sunday Readings: Exodus 17.8-13; 2 Timothy 3.14—4.2 ;Luke 18.1-8