Closing Prayer

Pray together to conclude your reflection on the journey of the man born blind into seeing, believing, and professing his faith.

LEADER: Once we were in darkness but now we live in the light of God.

ALL: Light produces every kind of goodness, justice, and truth.

LEADER: Once we were blind but now we see.

EACH: (Make a personal statement of faith.) I once was blind but now I see…

LEADER: We believe in God, who is three persons in one love. What do we believe about the Creator of all that is?

Group responds.

LEADER: What do we believe about Jesus the messiah, God’s Son who has become one of us, in whose footsteps we walk this Lent?

Group responds.

LEADER: What do we believe about the Spirit, who animates the communion of saints, living and dead?

Group responds.

ALL: Loving God, you bless us with the light of life. Your goodness and kindness follow us all the days of our lives.

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