Recall people with whom you have shared your home, meals, and life in the past. Reflect about who you need to welcome back. Name these people to yourself, and imagine how they can be reconciled with you. Make a resolution to have a homecoming with someone this week.
LEADER: We live in the irrepressible love that created the heavens and earth.
ALL: In Christ we are all new.
LEADER: We stand among the descendants of Abraham and Sarah, believers as countless as the stars.
ALL: In Christ we are all new.
LEADER: God’s fiery presence to Moses in the burning bush burns in our limbs.
ALL: In Christ we are all new.
LEADER: The God who led Israel on a dry path through the sea and a smooth path through the wilderness opens a way where there is no way for us.
ALL: In Christ we are all new.
LEADER: In every Eucharist we share Jesus’ Passover from death to new life and the promise of our own.
ALL: In Christ we are all new.