Place a bible, lighted candle, and a bowl of water on a table in the midst of your group.
LEADER: Bless God, all my being. Let my whole life bless the One who causes all to be.
ALL: Gardener God, cultivate new life in us.
LEADER: Our God forgives our wrongs and mends our lives. Our God rescues us from death and heals us with compassion.
ALL: Gardener God, cultivate new life in us.
LEADER: Our God secures justice and the rights of the oppressed.
ALL: Gardener God, cultivate new life in us.
LEADER: Merciful and gracious is the Holy One, slow to anger and abounding in kindness.
ALL: High as the heavens are above the earth, even higher are God’s hopes for all of us who return God’s love with our own.