Closing Prayer

Share the cup of wine or grape juice as a pledge to one action you will do this week toward building up your faith community and the lives of desolate people. Pray:

LEADER: O God, you leave no one desolate; you never forsake us. You name us your “Delight,” our earth, your “Spouse.”

ALL: We have a new name.

LEADER: Like the water jars at the wedding your word fills us to the brim and transforms us.

ALL: Whatever you say we will do.

LEADER: We are the choice wine you save until now.

ALL: Now is our hour. We will not be silent.

LEADER: For the sake of our land, our Church, our family, our parish, our family of nations.

ALL: We will not be quiet. Whatever you say we will do.

LEADER: Happy are we whom you call to wait on your table and gather all nations to your feast.

ALL: We drink of your Spirit.

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