Reflect on all your group has shared. Be silent and listen to the call of the Spirit in those experiences.
LEADER: (Pause after each question.) Who close to home or far away should expect us to be their deliverers? What does this reading, reflecting and sharing ask of us in our local parish community? How does a local community connect in solidarity with people from other nations? What specific action does our seeing and judging require of us?
Make a commitment to act, and share it aloud. (Pause.)
LEADER: God, we know that our faith is both private and public.
ALL: We know in our deepest hearts that we can choose or not choose to be instruments of your peace.
LEADER: We can act or refuse to act for a more just world.
ALL: We revel in the knowledge that you never give up on us.
Sing or say, “Prayer of St. Francis.” Gather #726.