Open a bible to Mark 6.1-6, Sunday’s gospel. Place a lighted candle beside it.
LEADER: As we celebrate July 4th, let us name values and qualities we hope people of other nations see in us.
Take time to name these.
LEADER: Loving God, we come to hear your word as both Christians and citizens.
ALL: May we persist in seeking for the global human family what we want for our own families.
LEADER: Our constitution identifies us as the good people of the United States.
ALL: May our just deeds testify to our commitment to the common good.
LEADER: Jesus, an empire put you to death, but you teach us to build your kin*dom through our everyday love for one another.
ALL: May we fight fear and terrorism by widening our circles of love and understanding.
LEADER: Let no one face tragic loss or economic ruin alone.
ALL: Let us listen to their stories and share our love and means.
LEADER: Giver of Life, may we recognize when we, or our leaders, confuse our own voices with yours.
ALL: May your word set our hearts in order and open our ears. Amen.